Little Mathematics Genius

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数学小天才——数学口诀顺口溜 2 VCD 卡通画面 娃娃韵律幼儿数学 随着活泼动听的音乐节奏,朗朗上口的顺口溜,把单调复杂的数学口诀趣味化、韵律化,让小朋友一听就懂,越听越爱听,一学就会,记得牢,忘不了。 加法口诀,减法口诀,乘法九九表口诀,除法口诀 数学儿歌联诵:你猜我得多少分、数字歌、五指歌、数数歌、拍手歌、四和十、对花歌、上学啦、学习歌,.....幼儿数学 Product Features: The addition, the subtraction, the multiplication multiplication table, the division mathematics & some mathematics songs. Product Contents: 2 CDs Cartoon picture rhythm mathematics along with the lively music rhythm. The monotonous complex mathematics mnemonics rhythm will attract the child as soon as they listen to the song.
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by age/gradeage 3 - 5
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