FLTRP Graded Readers-Reading China: Marvellous Chinese (With CD) 奇妙的中文(2A)(外研社汉语分级读物中文天天读)(附CD)

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FLTRP Graded Readers-Reading China: Marvellous Chinese (With CD) 奇妙的中文(2A)(外研社汉语分级读物中文天天读)(附CD) "Reading China" is a set of graded reading books for Chinese learners. It can be used as extra-curricular reading for GCSE students. "Reading China" has the following characteristics: Grade reading: The books are divided into 5 levels by language difficulties, difficulty level are clearly indicated which suitable from beginners to advance reader; Topics about China: Topics related to the daily life of Chinese people, values, tradition and modernity and the Fusion, showing the contemporary Chinese society; Happy Chinese: short story, genre diversity, interesting contents, using simple vocaburary, learners can fully enjoy the pleasure of reading; Audio reading: there is a supporting CD discs, the learners can learn the correct pronouciation through listening, which is a greart way to enjoy Chinese reading. 《中文天天读》是专为汉语学习者编写的一套有声分级读物。既可作为课外读物,也可作为阅读教材。与以往的读物相比,《中文天天读》具有如下特点:    分级读物:按语言难度和阅读量分为五个等级,每级包含若干分册,可供不同级别学习者自由选用;    中国话题:话题涉及中国人的日常生活、价值观念、传统与现代的碰撞与交融,真实展现了当代中国社会的风貌;    快乐中文:篇幅简短、体裁多样、内容内趣、语言浅显,学习者可充分享受阅读的乐趣;    有声阅读:每册均有配套CD光盘,学习者可边听边读,通过听、读两种方式欣赏纯正的中文。 目录 1 “安”的意思是什么? 2 淘气的孩子 3 我很困! 4 盘子是这样打碎的 5 你会怎样选择? 6 拥抱,不是中国人的习惯 7 讲究卫生,人人有责 8 福“倒”了 9 每天快走30分钟吧 10 奇妙的中文 11 狐假虎威 12 等待红灯变绿灯 13 探险家的“训练” 14 可爱的大熊猫 15 我就知道你会这么做! Extent: 110pages
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by age/gradeage 11+ Beginners
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