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Product Description:
Dalgety’s Peppermint and Ginger tea combines Ginger with its stimulating properties and Peppermint with its digestive aiding properties.
Tonic - restores, invigorates, strengthens body system and organs.
Anti-bacterial - prevents and destroys growth of harmful bacteria.
Calms & soothes the nerves to alleviate irritations and stress.
Anti-spasmodic - prevents & relieves involuntary spasms of muscle as in wind pain
Pure and natural dried Peppermint leaves,Pure and natural dried Ginger,,Pure and natural dried lemongrass,No artificial additives or Flavorings,Caffeine free!,100% Natural Product
disclaimer | DISCLAIMER The product details listed on the website have been prepared for information purposes only. Product packaging may not be accurate due to manufacturers' changes in packaging. While we have taken care in preparing the product information and believe it is accurate at the time, you must refer to the product label and ingredients prior to use. Xihaha is unable to accept any liability for inaccurate information. |
Brand | Dalgety |