Chinese for Children - Nursery Rhymes and Games (With CD) 快乐时光幼儿汉语(附光盘一张韵文篇)

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Chinese for Children - Nursery Rhymes and Games (With CD) 快乐时光幼儿汉语(附光盘一张韵文篇) Compiled by experienced teachers for English-speaking children, this set of three textbooks contains 'The Pinyin Volume', 'The Rhymes Volume' and 'The Dialogues Volume'. Drawing on numerous methods available - as well as their own experience in teaching Chinese to children - the authors have adopted various innovative approaches to keep young learners interested and motivated. By combining the teaching Pinyin with useful phrases, sentences and rhymes, for instance, they have turned the monotonous learning of Pinyin into an enjoyable experience. Target readers: 6-7 year-old non-native speakers. 古人学习汉语,大都是从《三字经》、《百家姓》等韵文类的读物开始。现在,很多父母在孩子很小的时候,喜欢教孩子学一些唐诗、儿歌等等。因为韵文类的读物读起来朗朗上口,容易记忆。基于这种原因,我们选编了这本《快乐时光幼儿汉语--韵文篇》,目的是让每外初学汉语的孩子们学习起来感到轻松而又有趣,达到寓教于乐的目的。本书选编了在民间广为流传的、脍炙人口的唐诗、儿歌、绕口令、谜语歌和数字歌等多种形式的韵文体读物,加上拼音与简单的英文注释,便于国外的孩子们自学。 目录: 找朋友 大苹果 白石塔 兔子 兄弟赛跑 四是四,十是十 小花狗 兄弟七八个 找妈妈 小小一本书 小鸽子 一个大肚皮 小白兔 豉上画只虎 画凤凰 Pages: 48pages
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