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Chinese Calligraphy Brush and Ink Stick Set Calligraphy set
1 x Calligraphy Brush (big)
1 x Calligraphy Brush (small)
1 x InkStone
1 x Ink Stick
1 x Brush Holder
1 x Plastic Water Bottle
Package size: 14cm x 27cm "Four Treasure" Calligrpahy Brush and Ink Set, best for calligraphy beginner or students as gift pack.
How do you grind ink? You can refer to wiki How Website
Place the ink stone in front of you and pour some water in it. Keep the ink stick upright; hold it with the thumb on one side and the index and middle finger on the other side. Press the ink stick on the ink stone very lightly and start describing circular movements with the stick. After a while the ink becomes blacker and thicker. You can add some water during the grinding if necessary. You have to grind the ink stick until the ink is thick and deep black. To know when the ink is thick enough take one drop of ink with the stick and put it on the rim of a white saucer. When the ink does not run down the saucer, it is ready for your session of Japanese calligraphy. If the ink is too thick, the writing will not be fluent, because the ink does not flow smoothly from the brush. On the other hand if the ink is too thin, the ink will flow down too fast. Grind only the ink that you need for that day, and do not permit ink to dry in your ink stone. Clean the ink stone with water and a soft sponge or cloth. Never use anything that could damage the stone. Cover the stone to prevent the ink from drying if you will take a break.
by age/grade | age 6 -10 |
Brand | Xihaha |
simplified/traditional | both |