365 Successful Fables (12 CDs) 365成功寓言-導讀CD(全套12CD)

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365 Successful Fables (12 CDs) 365成功寓言-導讀CD(全套12CD) 專業外籍老師示範發音  ●情境寓言故事中英對照  ●國小1000個英文單字 屬中英雙語類,適合7歲以上兒童閱讀 中英雙語導讀CD12片 12 CDs content: 塞翁失馬, 守財奴 老獅子和狐狸, 橡樹和葦草 A Blessing In Disquise, The Miser and His Nuggets, The Old Lion and the Fox, The Oak and the Reed 老鼠開會 梧桐樹和旅人 學馬叫的鳥 沒有國王的青蛙 The Mice and the Cat The Parasol and the Travellers The Bird Learning to Neigh The Frogs and The God 井底之蛙 鷹與屎殼郎 尋羊記 馬路旁的新屋 The Frog and The Turtle The Eagle and the Roller The Lost Goat The New House 金斧和銀斧 獅子和三頭牛 狗、雞和狐狸 女傭和公雞 The Golden Ax and the Silver Ax The Lion and the Three Bulls The Dog, The Rooster and The Fox The Maid and the Rooster 下金蛋的鵝 羊和驢 遇到海難的人 獅子、狼和狐狸 The Goose Laying Golden Egg The Goat and the Donkey The Rich man and the God The Lion, the Wolf and the Fox 投機的驢子 螞蟻和鴿子 獅子和熊 斷尾的狐狸 The Opportunistic Donkey The Ant and The Dove The Lion and The Bear The Fox Without A Tail 貪心的狗 兩隻公雞和老鷹 囫圇吞棗 猴子捕魚 The Greedy Dog The Two Roosters and the Eagle The Doctor and His Patient The Monkey and The Fisherman 葡萄園裡的寶藏 狼和鷺鷥 火燒屋 烏鴉和狐狸 The Treasure In the Grape Garden The Wolf and The Egret The Host and His Friend The Crow and The Fox 貪吃的狐狸 吹笛子的漁夫 自食惡果的和尚 驕傲的狼 The Fox and The Food The Fisherman and the Fish The Snobbish Monk The Wolf and the Lion 狐狸和鹳鳥 馬, 驢和時運 鹿和葡萄樹 農夫和老鷹 The Fox and the Crane The Donkey and the Horse The Deer and the Hunter The Farmer and the Eagle 金獅子 鳥國選美 父親和女兒 狐狸和蟬 The Businessman and the Golden Lion The Bird’s Beauty Pageant Father and his Daugther The Fox and the Cicada 北風和太陽 堆雞蛋的故事 驢、狗和主人 獅子和野兔 The North Wind and The Sun The Emperor and the Minister The Donkey, the Dog and the Master The Lion and the Hare Can be used as a set with 365 Successful Fables Books.
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by age/gradeage 6 -10
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