The Three Kingdoms(CD ROM) 三国演义 CDROM

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三国演义 CDROM The Three Kingdoms - CDROM 传说中的刘备、曹操、孙权各占一方, 为了爭夺领地,他们之间有什么样的故事?最后,又是谁统一了全国? 本张光碟收录了中国精典名著动漫版 – 《三国演义》 38 集,包括 《桃园结义》、《三顾茅庐》、《赤壁之战》等。让小朋友们在轻松的氛围中瞭解中国历史。 This is an easy and enjoyable way for kids to practice the Chinese language and learn about the culture, all while watching exciting cartoon stories! This CD-ROM features 38 timeless animated tales from China’s turbulent Three Kingdoms period. Total playing time: 100minutes+ Chinese/English soundtrack Subtitles in English and Traditional/Simplified Chinese System Requirements: PC Windows 95 or later, Mac-OS or later.
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by age/gradeage 6 -10
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